Dr. Zobel -- news Member of New York Academy of Science, Elected Woman Scientist of 2002, past secretary of Phytochemical Society of North America, would like to inform you about recent achievements:
1. She organizated with editor of ecological journal the new Foundation Dobre Życie (Foundation Good Life) and they organized the conference on prevention of diseases “Promotion of health as priority of Polish government”, 12-th June 2006.
2. With member of Parliament professor Peter Adams she made the legislation for labelling of Trans Fats on Canadian Food, as in the second country of the world. The concentration of this toxin must be written in grams.
3. Now she is working on legislation in Canadian Parliament of another toxin - Acrylamide, so Canada would be the first country in the world requiring this carcinogen labelled on Canadian food.
4. She has started petition on preservation of underground water (aquafair) for drinking only.
5. Now she is lobbing for promoting the healthy habits in Canadian schools and she formed action “mothers for healthier children”:
including 30 minutes of physical education in Ontario schools, serving healthy water in some Ontario schools and in future measurement of antioxidant status in Canadian children by evaluating glutathione and screening carotenoids in young people.
6. You can hear dr. Zobel on Trent Radio: 92,7 FM (trentradio.com) for the programs:
- Nature and health; Every day activist; History.
6. She wants to transfer the good ideas and actions from Canada to Poland. She would like to hear from about the status of health promotion and diseases prevention in your country.
Best wishes from
Alicja (Doctor AZ)